Memories of his father with his face hidden behind a camera.
The present and the real distorted by the preparation for the future. Time distorted by time. Memories of memories. The reality of the future constantly and starkly staring one in the face. Choices, paths, diversions, surprises are normal and required. The effects of numbing oneself from reality result in weakness, apathy and frustration of fulfilment. Hollow emptiness. Cavernous souls in constant need of amusement.
Constant persuasion by desire, lust, wishes, drive, greed and need, numb the touches of eternity and blind us to the reality of the unseen and the unknown.
Exhaustion of both mind and body has hidden visions and dreams and detached us from the winds of heaven, driven us into retreat and weakened our souls to the point of devastation. It is no wonder that the rallying cry of our leaders is fear and dread. “Death, death reigns” they cry and we die for lack of food. Self fulfilling prophecy. Doom brought by the pronouncement of it.
Live! Love! cries the Almighty. I have won. The battle is over! There is no need for defeat or fear! Triumph is in your hand to claim. Power is mine to give! Arise I say and walk. Open your eyes and see! Listen for my song, my call to your soul to happiness and joy. My heart is full of good toward you and my desire is your best. I have created you - I can heal you. Come, come to me all who labor. I will fill and restore. My kiss of love is the seal of your soul and the breath of your life. I am full and have no need. Turn. Turn to me and be with me.