Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kenya elections

There was a lot of fear coming up to the elections that the situation would become very volatile and that there would be a lot of violence. But I am writing this on the morning of the second day after and there is not much happening. It looks like the previous president will be "unseated by the polls" which would be a first for Kenya.

Parliament was shaken up though. Sixteen of the MPs that were running for reelection were left out in the cold. Including the former Vice President. And the former minister of roads. Yay!

Now, lets see if these people keep their promises.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bhutto killed in suicide bombing

Bhutto Killed...

Wow, looks like the extremists are not above killing their own countrymen in this perverse way. Of course, I knew that they do stupid stuff like that but it still amazes me. I wonder if the bomber will still get his 70 rewards? He didn't kill any infidels.

It's amazing what deluded people will do. Would you blow yourself up for the sake of anything that you believe? Now these guys are doing it for the sake of a really bad cause, would you give your own life for the sake of a really good cause?

Is Democracy working in this situation?

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Hello all,

I’m back to the blogging world again. The AMA mission board wasn’t sure if this thing called blogging was something that was safe or not and asked us to refrain until further notice. They discussed it over the last year and in the last meeting they decided that it is okay. Praise the Lord.

The year is very nearly to over and it seems as if it has not been that long. My last post was in March and a lot of stuff has happened since then. In August, I was privileged to visit home for a period of three weeks in August and a month after my return here, my sister Karleen came to visit for four weeks, and the next big event on the calendar is my return home in March with plans to stay put for a while. My location of living has been quite fluid since the year of 2002 with stints in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Arkansas, and of course Kenya with returns home to Ohio sprinkled throughout so I am ready to settle down and make some money very soon here. I am planning to work for my dad in his business (

Money is the Key to Happiness. Did you know that? Everything that I would like to do hinges on the on one key factor. Having Money. So someone should just give me some. And while they are at it, they should just give me a lot of it because there is all kinds of stuff to do with it. I would like to be a philanthropist. Philanthropists travel around the world making people happy by giving them time and money. Mother Teresa and Bill Gates and Angelina Jolie are all notable philanthropists. It is probably the only resemblance between Mother Teresa and Angelina Jolie besides the fact that they are both women.

Oh wait, I am a philanthropist. As a volunteer here in Kenya I give both time and money to the Kenyans. Does it make them happy? Yes it does! For about five minutes and then they are back asking for more. So scrap the idea. No one give me any money, please.

Do you want to be happy? Give something to someone. I think giving to a grateful recipient is a happier thing to do than receiving a gift.

Have a Happy Merry Christmas!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Not allowed to post

My sudden and prolonged silence is due to the fact that the mission that I am serving under states that we as missionaries cannot have our own blog sites because of concerns that they have over too much time spent in updating the thing and therefore not being able to bond with natives and fellow missionaries. I will keep my site, but I will not be posting unless they change their minds.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dizzy Squirrels

From Gizmodo

Squirrels are the natural enemy of the birdfeeder. There are tons of contraptions out there designed to make sure only birds have access to the delicious seed contained within, from long arms suspending the feeders off the edge of the porch to your dad in a second-story window with a bb gun. Well, the awesomely named "Twirl-a-Squirrel" combines the efficiency of method #1 with the entertainment value of method #2.

It works by spinning rapidly around whenever something with enough weight climbs aboard. So when a pesky squirrel tries to pilfer some seed, he'll suddenly find himself on spinning deathtrap, one that's guaranteed to give him the old heave-ho much to the entertainment of everyone but the squirrel involved.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

World view of Pres. Bush

The world thinks that Bush is a gun slingin' cowboy that wants to have his own way. The witch doctors in Guatemala are planning to purify the ancient site that he is planning to visit, because of the evil spirits that he will bring. Is he really all that? I mean, c'mon guys, do you really believe all that crap?

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I bought a 15" Apple Macbook Pro. Mac OS X is super cool and stable, but it will probably be a bit until I feel at home with it.

the specs:

Core 2 Duo 2.16
1Gig @ 667
120 Gb
128mb radeon x1600
other stuff
boatloads of coolness

Love it